Tiffany Thompson Is a Cunt and the Zeke Slander Must Stop


“I’m calling the cops to ruin your career, your career is done,” the woman shouted at Elliott that night, according to one witness’s account to the police. Other witnesses, including the woman’s friend, said in affidavits that they heard something similar.

Source: Sports Illustrated

Some quick facts about Zeke’s ‘alleged’ DV case against that cunt Tiffany Thompson last year…

While these may not all be ‘facts’ in the technical sense, it’s pretty clear there’s enough here to conclude that this was a put up job by that stupid cunt Tiffany Thompson.  Blogging the Boys said as much earlier this week, but were too chickenshit to stand by these convictions.  That is unacceptable.

We do need to improve as a society in our overall treatment of women and shit, but we won’t make progress by rewarding every obviously false accuser out there.  In fact, this type of culture regresses the cause.

I know this DV case isn’t the only thing hanging over Zeke’s head, but people would not be holding him over the fire without it.  He lived with Joey Bosa and Noah Spence in college and did lots of drugs – whoop-di-doo!  He visited a pot shop in Seattle last year – holy moly!  His posse got in a bar fight this week – omg what a thug!

Yes he’s in the news all the time and he is immature, but he’s not committing any serious crimes.  He’s not raping women, not into guns, not fucking around with gangs, just being a shitty 21 year old.  Relax people.

Also, I know this is annoying to bring up but it’s true…  If he was white, we wouldn’t be talking about him right now.  Wes Welker rolls his balls off at the Kentucky Derby (a horse race) and everyone laughs about it.  Zeke does the same at a Steve Aoki show (a rave) and he’s too immature.  Gronk ‘objectifies women’ every day and we laugh about it.  But Zeke gets too flirty with his friend on St. Patty’s day, and suddenly ‘he needs to grow up’.  gtfoh assholes

And fuck that cunt Tiffany Thompson.

Tiffany Thompson Is a Cunt and the Zeke Slander Must Stop

Riveting Carmelo Anthony Saga Continues to Rock the NBA

NBA: Preseason-Boston Celtics at New York Knicks

Ramona Shelbourne just dropped a bomb on us and it turns out the knicks are sorry and wanna make amends with Melo. Welp, never would’ve seen that plot twist coming ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Please basketball fans, keep chatting about these fascinating knicks stories!

Let’s keep laughing about Phil Jackson’s ‘fall from grace’. His few years of chilling in Manhattan sleeping at work and cashing in $60M must’ve been soooo humiliating. Do you hate James Dolan? Man that must be really frustrating; you should prolly keep covering the team like it’s relevant I’m sure that’ll force him a change of heart. Oh yeah remember when that one Asian dude was really awesome at point guard for a couple weeks? That was chill af.

In all seriousness, basketball’s popularity puzzles the shit out of me. It is easily the worst product in sports. As much commercials as NFL. First three quarters more tedious and pointless than slogging through latter innings of a baseball blowout. Shit, its legit surpassed soccer in flopping, all so the star players can show us an abundance of the most monotonous play in sports – the free throw.

And yet there are so many god damned NBA fans out there for some reason. They’re like republicans, masses of inexorably loyal subjects to an objectively inferior sport.  Tuning into the cable sports network for summer league ball and shitty Windhurst scoops like they’re brainwashed. Sitting idly as an era of rampant rigging gives way to an era of rampant tanking and just chalking both up as ‘clever business’. Boasting about the Olympic dream teams as if anyone else in the world gives a shit. But hey, at least they’re not as corrupt as the NFL! They got guns in the locker room and overtly racist owners but once you look past that you really have to look at it as the most moral of all the leagues.

Then there’s Lebron – the most insufferable icon in the history of sports. So transparently narcissistic, completely devoid of self security, and a huge fucken coward for starting the super team trend. Don’t criticize him in front of the fanboys though, they get pretty triggered. I will admit, however, he does deserve kudos for always staying in the east. It makes for cakewalk competition to the final two every year. Sometimes he gets there and even pulls a win out of his ass. GOAT like you read about.

Basketball, so hot these days… Basketball

Riveting Carmelo Anthony Saga Continues to Rock the NBA

July Gambling Locks

I’m starting gambling locks again.  My baseball picks are off a proprietary system I conjured up and it’s pretty damn good so I suggest riding it.

UPDATE: Well that was a ride.  Up 14 units at one point, finished down 2.5, and too many god damned blown saves to count.  Gonna start this back up next June.

-2.5 units


Athletics +175 at Blue Jays (x2)

Mets/Padres un9 +105 (x2)

Nats -2.5 vs Brew Crew

Nats/Brewers ov8 ev

Diamondbacks -108 at Cardinals

Rays +109 at Yankees

White Sux +215 vs Cubs

Continue reading “July Gambling Locks”

July Gambling Locks